BeliEve goes live! And let us talk about the future of PCL-token!
Dear Peculium community,
we’re not only excited to announce some major updates, but also want to say thank you!
Thanks for your ongoing and much-valued support and feedback, which helps us to improve our services and make our products even better. Without you, this project would not have been possible.
Even if we’ve seemed a bit quiet lately, be assured the team worked hard behind the scenes in order to continue to achieve our goal of creating a savings platform available, rewarding and affordable to people from all walks of life.
Before we start with the update, let us take a brief look onto the latest KPIs of BeliΞVE Beta.
We are proud to let you know that for the first time we have crossed the astonishing mark of 700,000 USDT that are managed by AIΞVE through BeliΞve simultaneously.
- Currently Managed Funds: 703,566k$
- Success and Completion rate on all trades: > 99%
- Average ROI across all portfolios during the Beta: 8.1%
If you have been out of the loop for a while: BeliΞVE is our fully automated savings application that provides insights of your investment and its performance in real time and will manage and grow your portfolio without you lifting a finger.
Onboarding/Registration here:
Download the App:
Well, and here are the topics we’ll cover in this post:
- Strategic improvement of the PCL value
- End of BeliΞVE Beta + Start of the Live-Version
- Initiation of the PCL Token-Burn mechanism
- Disabling token-purchases via cryptocurrencies through MyAccount
1. Strategic improvement of the token value
The PCL token has been designed to power our products or services and since the very early days, we have outlined that buying and holding PCL should be beneficial for all investors. So far we have provided utility for the PCL-token in both existing products, but the whole team is in agreement that there is still plenty of room for improvement. We not only want to revolutionize savings but also generate a maximum benefit for the token and every holder.
This subject, next to further product-development and optimization, will be on top of our priority-list from now on. We do already have some things in the pipeline and you will find the first changes in this update.
2. Launch of BeliΞVE Live-Version on the 1st of July 2019
With the start of the live version, the first major changes (see points 3 and 4) will be implemented. Many further ideas to improve UX, UI as well as making it as convenient as possible for new customers (e.g. by aiming for a fast onboarding-process, a more intuitive user interface, accessing product statistics in real-time) are on our product roadmap for BeliΞVE and will gradually be implemented during the year.
At this very moment, we will stick to the onboarding-process in place and everybody interested to join may do so by registering here. The registration is free and no initial fees to start your own BeliΞve-managed portfolio apply.
3. Initiation of the PCL Token-Burn mechanism
(to be implemented at the start of BeliΞVE Live-Version)
What’s a token burn and why doing this?
The purpose behind burning (reduce the overall supply) is to raise the value of all the remaining tokens in circulation. The basic concept behind this is that if there are fewer tokens left to satisfy the overall demand for a particular cryptocurrency, all the remaining tokens will be more desirable and as a result more valuable.
What’s the strategic plan?
As soon as our latest product BeliΞVE will go live at the beginning of July, we will start to burn 25% of all PCL-Tokens collected through fees by our AIEVE-Products (AskΞVE & BeliΞVE ) periodically every 3 months, what will reduce the total supply of PCL bit by bit (note: currently the total supply is 2.207.856.526 PCL)
When will the first token burn take place?
The first token-burn is going to happen at the beginning of October 2019. Needless to say, that we will announce more details on this and all related numbers, transaction-hash, etc. just in time.
4. Disabling token-purchases via cryptocurrencies through MyAccount
We want to make purchasing PCL (to cut off half of the fees on profits for BeliΞve) and using our products as convenient as possible, as well as enable everybody (who wants to use BeliΞve, but is not used to purchase crypto-currencies using exchanges, wallets etc.) to benefit from the power of our product(s).
So we decided to allow PCL-purchases using wire-transfer (and credit-card in future) through “MyAccount” only, as of this day we have disabled the possibility to buy PCL using cryptocurrencies through “MyAccount”.
We hope all of you are in line with these updates. Please do not hesitate to drop us a message any time if you have any feedback in mind — we are always open to proposals and suggestions.
Tips for investors
As an investor, there are three things you should keep in mind:
- Seek value, not just hype and quick profits. Look at the business model of any project before investing and make sure it is viable.
- Be patient. The cryptocurrency space is seeing a lot of regulations. So it makes sense to wait and watch, instead of selling off at the first hint of profit. This is a revolutionary space and we are certain that crypto is here to stay.
- Participate actively. Ask questions, stay curious, provide feedback and spread the word about your favorite project. We have a handful of active channels of communications, like Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit. Engage us!
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