PECULIUM entered into a collaboration with AllianceBlock.

The collaboration will enhance the DeFi and cross-chain capabilities of the PCL Token to improve its liquidity, accessibility, velocity and adoption.

5 min readMay 18, 2022

We are thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with AllianceBlock, a well known DeFi infrastructure provider, for PCL token holders. Through this collaboration, PECULIUM is going to employ the DeFi applications of AllianceBlock’s DeFi Terminal that include its liquidity mining solution and interoperability platform.

We share the same vision.

With years of first-hand experience, our team knows the barriers traditional financial institutions are facing when it comes to accessing crypto investing. We have built supporting products aimed at empowering legacy financial institutions by solving those problems and providing compliant access to innovative investment opportunities.

The AllianceBlock has been making great progress on creating a new generation of DeFi infrastructure and a compliant gateway between centralised and decentralised finance.

We know both of us, that traditional finance has standards. We share the mindset of building products with those standards built-in, so players can save time, money, and increase efficiency without any effort from them.

Both projects are very excited about this collaboration and can see many synergies going forward as both projects continue to develop.

The collaboration with AllianceBlock will bring together the technical knowledge and expertise required to integrate the two projects and bring the EVM functionalities of AllianceBlock to the PECULIUM ecosystem. This ecosystem-enhancing solution will be executed by integrating PCL into AllianceBridge, the fully decentralized, interoperability solution.

By working hand in hand with the PECULIUM team, AllianceBlock will support the integration and expansion of PCL within the AllianceBlock ecosystem. This will bring the many blockchain-powered uses and benefits of both projects to users of both services, inviting more traffic from the DeFi community, as well as eventually opening PCL to liquidity from institutional financial players as well.

“We are extremely pleased to team up with AllianceBlock in a collaboration that is likely to be transformational for both companies and for the industry at large. AllianceBlock shares our strong belief in helping to bridge the world of traditional finance with cryptocurrencies, as well as our conviction to operate to the highest standards of investor protection, regulatory oversight, security and governance.” said Rachid OUKHAI, CEO of PECULIUM

We look forward to working closely with the AllianceBlock team to scale up our platform and drive long-term sustainable growth. AllianceBlock has a unique value proposition and positioning that we are deeply aligned with. AllianceBlock has already made significant progress in building out the foundational regulated infrastructure for its ecosystem. Their institutional approach and ability to utilize global regulatory frameworks to build a compliant business directly complements our retail focus and will greatly benefit PECULIUM over the long-term.

We will work together to maximize business synergies created by this new strategic relationship and capitalize on opportunities to cooperate and further expand their businesses. We are also developing some new initiatives that we will be excited to announce to the public soon. Meanwhile, we will maintain our independent operations and are looking forward to exploring more collaboration opportunities with more exciting projects in the industry.

The first perimeter of collaboration

AllianceBlock’s Liquidity-Mining-as-a-Service (LMaaS) product allows users to provide liquidity through several different protocols. We will be looking to use them in the future for any chains we expand onto.

AllianceBlock’s Liquidity Mining solution provides crypto projects like us with the means to create & run our own customized liquidity mining, staking & analytics platforms.

We will be able to launch liquidity mining and staking campaigns, across multiple top chains and DEXs. We also have full access to a number of powerful analytics tools, giving us the opportunity to optimize our strategies and allocate rewards more effectively to bring value to our community for the long-term.

We can deploy pools, launch liquidity mining and staking campaigns, and gain access to powerful analytics tools that will allow us to track key performance indicators. Similarly, users will enjoy access to a one-stop platform where they can participate in various liquidity mining and staking campaigns, as well as track and manage their assets.

An SDK will be made available so that all LMaaS functionality can be easily ported to our SAIEVE App.

AllianceBlock LMaaS and Bridge Will Improve Liquidity and Interoperability of SAIΞVE App

The integration of AllianceBlock’s Liquidity-Mining-as-a-Service (LMaaS) product into the PECULIUM network will provide users and stakeholders easy access to generate liquidity for our applications. This will further be accelerated by the AllianceBlock Bridge which will improve PCL’s interoperability and asset transferability with other chains.

In the DeFi Layer AllianceBlock offers cross-chain interoperability with AllianceBlock Bridge, white-label liquidity campaigns with AllianceBlock LMaaS (Liquidity Mining as a Service) and aims to reduce impermanent loss for traders with AllianceBlock DEX.

PECULIUM will be able to benefit from decentralized and scalable interoperability through AllianceBridge, which will also serve to expoes our product to AllianceBlock’s partners, clients and extensive product suite.

ABOUT AllianceBlock

AllianceBlock is bridging the gap between decentralized finance and traditional finance, by remedying issues that exist in both spheres and linking them more closely together. They see the future of finance as an integrated system in which the best of both worlds can work together to increase capital flows and technological innovation.

Building this future by bridging traditional finance with compliant, data-driven access to new decentralized markets, DeFi projects and ecosystem-scaling tools such as funding and interoperability. As such, they are building a next-generation financial infrastructure that aims to provide regulated financial entities around the world with the tools they need to seamlessly access the DeFi space.

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PECULIUM has developed, a crypto investment and asset management platform that connects to exchange accounts and allows users to instantly access vetted trading strategies and investment portfolios. Founded to simplify trading strategy for users without any technical experience, PECULIUM has a growing offering of automated investment products.

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